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Axolotl Care

Although axolotls live in freshwater aquariums similar to fish,  their needs are a little different.  Please read along to learn important tips that will help your axolotl be the most healthy. 
In our store we carry all the necessary products, with competitive prices. 

Important notes:
Avoid gravel as a substrate as it can cause GI obstruction. 
Avoid products containing aloe which is toxic to amphibians.


Ammonia and Nitrites are byproducts of axolotl waste and are toxic to your axolotl.  When a new tank is set up, the water needs to be cycled to populate healthy bacteria, before adding an axolotl.  The bacteria perform the job of removing ammonia and nitrites from the aquarium water.  Regular testing should be done weekly to monitor ammonia, nitrite & nitrate levels.  When nitrates levels rise, a water change is needed.  Tank cycling can be accomplished quickly by adding a seeded filter and mature aquarium water.  Once bacteria has been established it needs a food source such as pellets or axolotl waste.  Without a natural food source, the bacteria will die and the cycle will crash. For that reason we send our axolotls home at the same time the mature water and seeded filter are added to the tank.  In the event of a nitrite spike the tank can be dosed with a 4 times dose of Seachem Prime or Fritz Complete.  These products bind the nitrites temporarily making them too large to be absorbed into the blood stream. 

Nitrite Poisoning

Nitrites enter the blood stream and bond with hemoglobin which carries oxygen.  The hemoglobin is converted to methyleglobin which does not carry oxygen. If there is too much methleglobin in the bloodstream the axolotl can’t take in oxygen, regardless of how much the water is oxygenated.  The condition can be detected by the presence of grey veins in the tail, gills and head.  The inability to absorb oxygen will reduce quality of life and decrease the lifespan of the axolotl.

Water Change

Weekly perform a water change to vacuum dirt off the floor and remove 25% of the water.  For a 20 gallon tank, vacuum to fill one 5 gallon bucket.  For a 40 gallon tank, vacuum to fill two 5 gallon buckets.  Replace the water by adding 1 thread (1/4 teaspoon) of water conditioner and tap water to a 5 gallon bucket. We recommend Seachem Prime or Fritz Complete water conditioners


Hang on back filters are not preferred for axolotl tanks.  They pour water into the tank which creates a current at the bottom. Axolotls are not swimmers and the constant movement is stressful.  We recommend sponge filters.  Clean the filter once or twice a month by placing it into a bucket of dirty aquarium water.  Squeeze it 12-20 times to remove dirt.  Don’t rinse with tap water, bacteria inside the filter is important to the cycle.


The best food for adult axolotls are red wigglers, which we carry.  They can sometimes be found  at Petsmart or Academy. Axolotls eat by sucking their food into their mouth and swallowing whole.  Food that is too large can cause impaction.   Gravel should be avoided as a substrate because it is easily sucked in along with the food and can also cause impaction.  

Juvenile axolotls: 1-3 red wigglers daily.
Adults: 2 red wigglers daily, or 1 red worm (european nightcrawler)

For Live Black Worms visit Eastern Aquatics


don't like too much light. Their eyes have adapted to low-light conditions, as they live in areas where the light levels are quite low, and usually, the plants on the water surface cover the water. Bright also hinders their vision. We can try to replicate those conditions in our tanks as much as possible. It’s very important to place your axolotl tank away from direct sunlight which will also cause problems, by heating the water in the tank.   When using lights, keep them on blue setting during the day, and off at night.  Limit white light to cleaning times.


If you have plants in your tank, they will need light to stay healthy.  Choose led lights that don't emit heat.  The best color is blue, as it is calming to the axolotl while still giving plants the light they need.  Since axolotl tanks are cool and dark, plant options are limited.  Our favorites are Java Fern & Anubia. The plants are beneficial for the axolotl tank in two very important ways.  First, they absorb much, if not all of the nitrates that will naturally occur in a properly cycled tank.  Second, the axolotls enjoy them by resting beneath them, swimming among them and sometimes sitting in them.  

Tank Mates

It is not necessary to provide a tank mate for your axolotl.   If you want to add a second axolotl, the necessary tank size is 20 gallons per axolotl.  Most fish are not suitable for the axolotl tank.  Large fish may damage the axolotl gills.  Small fish may be mistaken as food.  The bony skeleton of the fish may cause injury or GI obstruction.  Tank mates that may be added are ghost shrimp and cherry shrimp.  Be prepared for the shrimp to slowly disappear though.  

Catappa/Almond Leaf Tea

Catappa leaf also known as the Indian Almond leaf is a safe treatment for axolotls that are in distress.  It works in two ways: by darkening the water to more closely mimic the natural environment therefore decreasing stress, and by releasing tannins and other beneficial ingredients into the water.  Studies done on catappa leaf have shown that it has many healing benefits, including anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial.

There are two ways to use catappa leaf in a fish tank. The first is to simply drop a leaf-whole or shredded- into the fish tank and let it break down naturally. The second is to boil it in water and add the “tea” to the fish tank.

  1. Tear a catappa leaf into large pieces and put in a pot.

  2. Bring the water to a full boil,  then simmer for one minute.

  3. Remove from heat and allow to cool to around the same temperature as the fish tank.

  4. Pour the tea into the tank.


Fungal infections are common with axolotls.  It typically appears as fluffy white tufts on the gills or wound sites.  Left untreated the fungus is lethal.  Resist the temptation to pull the fungus off.  It is painful and will cause further damage.  There are treatments but be aware that many fish medications are toxic to axolotls.  Safe treatments for axolotls include Methylene Blue, Potassium Permanganate & Fritz Maracyn Oxy.  Our favorite treatment is Maracyn Oxy.

Chek out our Tutorials for more information!

Showroom Hours
Monday 3:00-6:00
Tuesday 3:00-6:00
Thursday 12:00-6:00
Friday 12:00-6:00
Saturday  12:00-5:00
Sunday   1:00-4:00

Need a different time?
Text 918-629-1853
to schedule an appointment


Showroom Address

9238 S. Sheridan Rd, Unit C
Tulsa, OK 74133
United S




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