Getting Started
To establish an aquarium it is necessary to start with a cycled tank. Cycling a tank means much more than cycling water through a filter. It is the process of populating essential bacteria. Read about the nitrogen cycle to understand what "cycling a tank" does. It can be a slow process unless you start with seeded products. With our quick cycle kit, you can safely take your axolotl home the same day you set up your tank. Check out our prices.
Axolots are $120 each
or discounted to $70 with purchase of one of the following:
Starter kit
$150 in products
Recommended Starter Kit
This package contains our preferred items for setting up a beautiful and healthy axolotl tank, which enables you to take home the axolotl at the same time. The water will be transported in 5 gallon buckets with lids. Water conditioner is imperative for removing chlorine from all tap water that is added to the aquarium. Test strips or a master test kit are the only ways to know if the water is safe for your pet.Setting everything up generally takes 30-60 minutes.
Tank $55 or $130
Pump $30
Filter (seeded) $15
Tubing (6') $5
Aquarium Water (bucket deposit) $16 or $32
Prime Water conditioner $6 or 12
Test Strips- 25 pack $12
Siphon $15
Bulb Syringe $6
Net $4
Thermometer $12
Light-Hygger (Lunar setting) $50-$60
Hide $15 or $30
2 Live plants $16
4 River rocks $4
Decoration- 2 colorful imitation plants $12
Worm Tub- Red Wiggler (3 dozen) $6
Pellets $11
Tongs $5
Axolotl $70 (with purchase of starter kit)

20 gallon full setup $365 (with tank), $310 (without tank)
40 gallon full setup $577 (with tank), $447 (without tank) includes 2 filters w/tubing
When setting up the kit, the seeded filter is usually sufficient to populate the tank with enough bacteria to keep the cycle in balance with the axolotl waste. Test strips will be used to monitor the bacteria population in case there may be a mini crash. If nitrites are detected, a measured dose of the water conditioner will be added to the tank to protect the axolotl until the bacteria population adjusts. Seachem Prime Water Conditioner- detoxify nitrites.
Our axolotls are $120 or $70 with purchase of a starter kit. Axolotls require a 20 gallon tank for each adult. If you plan to have two axolotls in a tank together, they will require a 40 gallon tank. We carry tanks and stands, aquarium supplies, toys and merchandise. Estimates are available and can be customized to fit your needs.
All product sales are subject to Tulsa sales tax.​
Basic Starter Kit
If you arent ready to purchase everything, this package contains the most important essentials including the axolotl. Other decorative and maintenance items can be add later.
Tank $55 or $130
Pump $30
Filter (seeded) $15
Tubing (6') $5
Aquarium Water (bucket deposit) $16 or $32
Prime Water conditioner $6 or $12
Test Strips- 25 pack $12
Siphon $15
Hide $15
Worm Tub- Red Wiggler (3 dozen) $6
Axolotl $70 (with purchase of this starter kit, including tank)
20 gallon setup $245
40 gallon setup $447 (includes 2 filters w/tubing, 2 hides & 2 axolotls)
All product sales are subject to Tulsa sales tax.
Additional Needs
Stands- 20 gallon $135, $195, $240
Stands- 40 gallon $190, $250
Screen Cover $25 (20 gallon)
Cooling Fan $30 (ZooMed Aquacool)
All product sales are subject to Tulsa sales tax.