Its been a week since we brought the rescue babies home. They are in a small tank with a bubbler. I have been doing daily water changes and feeding them black worms twice a day. They have fat bellies now and act contented with plenty of rocks and plants to hide behind. They don't tend to crowd each other, each of them finding their own space. Today they had their first photo shoot, which proved to be a bit of a challenge because I had to catch the sassy little things. It also required them to gather together in one small bowl, but they were polite with each other. As you can see their bellies are nice and round.
The first babe that caught my attention is "Gilly". This little guy has only one complete leg on the left front, and has two missing gills on the left front. As seen below, the gills have grown quite a lot and the rear legs are showing signs of growth as well. The right leg in the back is still a nub, but I'm looking forward to seeing its progress. The front right leg has fingers that are so short that they look like they belong to a cartoon character. They are fingers though, and that is very encouraging to me.